Feel colors with your hands. The tactile color compass makes it possible.
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Taktile Umsetzung des Werks "Ice Cream", eines Portraits einer Frau, die ein Eis schleckt aus einer Ausstellung der Kunsthalle Kiel zur Pop Art.

News & References


24. Apr
FOCUS 2024 Workshop: experience tangible images by feeling colours
Brandenburg / Havel, Archäologisches Landesmuseum
1. Oct - 2. Jun '23
Museum for all - Exhibition "Tell me more. Pictures tell stories"
Stadtmuseum im Simeonstift Trier
2. - 4.
Aug '23
Lecture B37 at 12:00-12:40, room No. CSS 212: "Innovative printing technologies for inclusive maps"
VBS Congress, Association for Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired e.V. in Marburg
22. Jun
Comenius EduMedia Award 2023 Award Event
9. Jun
"Comparative Guts" workshop 1:15 pm - 6:00 pm and online exhibition
Kunsthalle Kiel, Düsternbrooker Weg 1
24. - 25.
Apr '23
FOCUS 2023
Paulikloster in Brandenburg an der Havel


Exhibition at the Stadtmuseum Simoenstift Trier: Museum for everyone "Tell me more. Pictures tell stories" from October 1, 23 - June 2, 24

The current exhibition is characterized in particular by an inclusive concept, including the tactile colour compass by TAKTILES.

> to the press release Museum for all - Tell me more - Pictures tell stories

Verena Bentele, President od VdK, the Social Association Germany about our tactile art book "Mit Madita Kunst begreifen":

"Barrier-free children's media must become a matter of course!"


Presentation of the Edu Media Award seal for 2 media produced by us on June, 22nd in Berlin:
"Rund um Regensburg" and "Mit Madita Kunst erleben": The tactile game and art book receive the Comenius Label. <https://comenius-award.de>
Comparative Guts - the felt body" Inclusion Fund Christian Albrechts University Kiel

Workshop and online exhibition Comparative Guts

Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg

Bachelor's thesis on the use of surfaces in the communication of scientific content for the blind

Landesförderzentrum Schleswig

Maps, tactile orientation maps

Hamburg artist Grafy

Creation of one of his works as a tactile edition

Company Seiwotechnik for the Humboldt Forum Berlin

Tactile cubes made of maple wood

Museum Museumsberg Flensburg

Realisation of tactile objects from different epochs of the collection

Kunsthalle zu Kiel

Works of art from Pop Art in the concept of the tactile colour compass

University of Lübeck

Research into the possibilities of artificial intelligence in image design


Comenius-Edu Award, Verleihung zweier Siegel

für "Mit Madita Kunst begreifen" und "Die sprechende Kinderburgenkarte"im Juni 2023.


Bavarian Citizens' Award 2022 of the Bavarian Parliament

The Medienzentrum Regensburger Land received the Bavarian Citizens' Prize 2022 for its inclusive overall concept. The implementation of the "talking castle map" under the direction of Gaby Eisenhut was carried out by TAKTILES. to the citizen prize film


for the tactile colour compass: NDR film on Youtube

Special Mention in the international design competition in 3D printing "purmundus challenge" 2020

for the tactile colour compass


Pressetext zum VBS Kongress 2023: Innovatives Druckverfahren für inklusive Karten
Pressetext VDK Patenschaft Verena Bentele zum Comenius Award
June 2021
Biomedtec Science Campus Mittelstand 4.0

Interview with Anna-Lena Paape on the topic of artificial intelligence in image processing. A project with the University of Lübeck.

Open video on Youtube

February 2021
VBS article "blind and visually impaired

In the 2nd edition of the magazine 2021 of the Verband für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik e. V. (Association for Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired) an article appeared about our work in cooperation with Nicole Hirsch-Tönnies from the Landesförderzentrum Sehen in Schleswig.

Download article as PDF

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